Our School » Extra Curricular

Extra Curricular

Clubs & Teams

Every student at Nicholson Catholic College is strongly encouraged to become involved. There is something for everyone. Come out, share your talents, and explore new interests and friendships!

School Letter Recognition Program
Involvement in any school or community activity will help students earn points towards one of the school letters. The School Letter Recognition Program attempts to encourage involvement and reward participation. It has become a very popular award at our annual awards night ceremony and one that many students strive to achieve.

Sports – Go Crusaders Go!
Nicholson sports teams participate in the Bay of Quinte Athletic Association and the Central Ontario Secondary Schools Association (COSSA). The athletic program at Nicholson has become well known both locally and across the province for its excellent quality. Nicholson teams have won over 118 Bay of Quinte Championships, 47 COSSA Championships and 2 OFSAA Championships. Crusader athletes are known for being dedicated, enthusiastic and skilled competitors who always demonstrate a sportsmanlike attitude toward the opposition.
Girls Sports     Boys Sports     Co-Ed Sports  
Rugby Fall   Rugby Spring   Cross Country Fall
Basketball Fall   Basketball Winter   Swimming Winter
Volleyball Winter   Volleyball Fall   Badminton Winter
Hockey Winter   Hockey Winter   Golf Spring
Curling Winter   Curling Winter   Track & Field Spring
Gymnastics Winter   Soccer Fall   Skiing Winter
Soccer Spring            
**Most clubs like Yearbook, Choir, Social Justice, Games’, Mental Health Ambassador, etc. run all year; as long as an advisor is available and student interest/commitment is evident.**​
Athletic Eligibility
Anytime a student changes schools, he/she is considered to be a transfer student and must comply with the Ontario Federation of Schools Athletic Association (OFSAA) Transfer Policy before they are eligible to participate on a school team. Transfer forms are available from the Physical Education department and should be completed in early September to ensure participation.

School Letter Recognition Program
Involvement in any school or community activity will help students earn points towards one of the school letters. The School Letter Recognition Program attempts to encourage involvement and reward participation. It has become a very popular award at our annual awards night ceremony and one that many students strive to achieve.