Grade 9 Transitions » Grade 9 Transitions

Grade 9 Transitions

Choosing your future path is one of the most important decisions you have to make and education is a valuable companion throughout your journey.
Every student has unique interests, goals and strengths, and each student should be given the same opportunity to succeed in high school.
Support programs are at the heart of our student success initiative. They give high school students more ways to accumulate credits to graduate. Students can customize their high school experience around learning that's relevant to them. And that can make all the difference to their individual success.
  • Students and Parents gather information regarding high school courses and programs:
        a) Parent/Student information nights
        b) Grade 8 visits to high school
        c) High School staff visits to Grade 8 classrooms
  • Students and Parents select the courses for Grade 9, recording choices on the option sheet:
        a) Use course calendar for the school
        b) Use the Transition to High School Booklet
        c) Use Grade 9 Course Selection Brochure
  • Grade 8 teachers review student choices
  • Transition meetings with Grade 8 Teachers and Student Success Team
        a) Share information on student programs
        b) Design individual supports for success
        c) Monitor student progress to ensure success
  • Review student progress throughout the Grade 9 year