Our Board » Chaplaincy


Matthew Snowdon – Chaplaincy Leader
Father Richard Whalen – Priest Chaplain
Chaplaincy is one of the resources available to students of Nicholson Catholic College. The Chaplaincy Leader encourages and supports the involvement of the staff and students in the spiritual life of the school.
Each morning and lunch time at Nicholson begins with prayer and during the course of the school year we come together once a month as a community to celebrate Mass. As well, the Chaplaincy Team oversees the sacramental preparation of the Nicholson community.
Father Whalen visits classes to review the Church's teachings around the sacraments and other relevant topics and staff and students are offered opportunities to go to Confession, receive the Eucharist, and, if need be prepare for the sacraments of Initiation. The Chaplaincy Team will also, from time to time, offer a Vocations Day to give students an opportunity to explore possible callings to religious life and the other vocations in life to which they may feel drawn.
Nicholson students are fortunate to be able to participate in an annual retreat at each grade level. Our Grade Nine retreat is facilitated by the NET (National Evangelization Team) Team, the Grade Ten retreat is facilitated by Development and Peace, the Grade Elevens participate in a World Religions Day in Kingston visiting the Cathedral, the Islamic Centre, the Buddhist Centre and the Synagogue. The Grade 12s participate in a Graduation retreat towards the end of the school year as a wrap-up to their high school careers!
The Chaplaincy Leader is a staff advisor or resource to relevant clubs such as the Social Justice Club, the Mental Health and Wellness Ambassadors and the Jamaica Mission Team – a biennial trip to Jamaica wherein students get the opportunity to meet and work with different groups of people in need in Kingston, Jamaica.
The Social Justice Club (known as the Justice League) is open to all students in the school who have an interest in Social Justice as it pertains to the Social Teachings of the Church. Each year students participate in choosing a local and global project to support through various fundraising initiatives. The club members also help facilitate the Thanksgiving Food Drive, Christmas Sharing and the annual Share Lent activity.
The Chaplaincy Leader is available to provide support and resource to any student who is having a challenging time at school through provision of a quiet space, a listening ear and liaison with other services in the school.
Nicholson Catholic College is blessed to have a most beautiful chapel on-site. Each September, Father Whalen brings the Blessed Sacrament to the school and places Jesus in the tabernacle in the Chapel. Our Chapel also bears the beautiful image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on its walls and she, along with Our Lord in the tabernacle, watch over our community throughout the year.